Prospective Students
All prospective students must complete the University of Colorado Denver application to start the admissions process. The application deadlines are: Fall Semester - July 31st; Spring Semester - January 1st; Summer Semester - May 15th.
Some CAM majors have additional admission requirements. Please carefully review the application information below for each department:
In addition to being admitted to CU Denver, the Film & Television Department requires supplemental applications from all applicants. Applicants must first apply to CU Denver. An applicant must be admitted to CU Denver and have completed the supplemental application by the deadlines below.
Spring 2025 Applicant Deadlines:
FITV application deadline: January 10th, 2025
Fall 2025 Applicant Deadlines:
Early FITV application deadline: January 1st
Regular FITV application deadline: May 1st
Final FITV application deadline: July 1st - Applicants applying after July 1st will be considered on a space-available and case-by-case basis.
Applicants are encouraged to review specific information about their FITV Emphasis below:
Film & Television - After applying to CU Denver for the Film & Television major, applicants will receive a to-do list item in their application portal with a link to the Secondary Film & Television Application. Current CU Denver students who want to switch their major to Film & Television can submit the Film & Television Secondary Application using this secondary application form.
Acting for the Screen - The supplemental application for the Acting for the Screen major is part of the general CU Denver application. Once an applicant selects Acting for the Screen as their major on the application, they will see a few supplemental questions pop up. Applicants must complete these supplemental questions before they can submit their CU Denver application. These are the four supplemental questions for the Acting for the Screen applicants:
Review Timeline - Our goal is to notify applicants of their admission decision within a month after application submission.
Learn more about the application process and our program by attending an on Film & TV Department Tour or a CAM Virtual Info Session. Please contact Dave Walter at if you have any questions.
The Music & Entertainment Industry Studies Department offers both non-audition track programs (Music Business and Recording Arts) and audition track programs (Music Performance, Singer/Songwriter, Songwriter Entrepreneur, Music Business, and Recording Arts).
Non-Audition Track Programs: The MEIS non-audition programs in Recording Arts and Music Business are designed for students who seek careers working more behind-the-scenes in the music industry. Non-audition track majors have less required performance courses in the curriculum, which frees up more room for recording arts and music business upper-level elective courses.
Non-Audition Track Application Deadlines: Non-audition track applicants are not required to complete any additional requirements for admission other than being accepted to CU Denver. Non-audition track students can start during any CU Denver semester. The deadline to apply for the non-audition track programs are the same as the university application deadlines. We recommend that new students apply to CU Denver by December 1st.
Audition Track Programs: The audition track programs are designed for students who seek careers as performers in the music industry and want lots of performance courses in the curriculum. MEIS offers five audition track programs: Music Performance, Music Business - Audition Track, Recording Arts - Audition Track, Singer/Songwriter, and Songwriter Entrepreneur. Applicants that don't pass an audition can start in a non-audition track program.
Audition Track Deadlines for Fall Semester Applicants:
To schedule an audition please email the faculty member listed on the audition requirement page for your instrument (below).
Guitar (Commercial, Jazz, Electric)
Voice (Contemporary, Commercial)
Songwriter Entrepreneur
* For these two programs, applicants must accompany themselves on either piano or guitar.
* Music Business and Recording
Arts Audition Track applicants cannot choose the songwriter programs for
their instrument.
MEIS Open Houses - We host MEIS Open House events on each audition date. Each Open House consists of a MEIS Overview session, a Q&A panel with current MEIS students, the opportunity to sit-in on a General Recital class, a faculty meet and greet, and a tour of our music facilities and recording studios. Attending an Open House is a sure way to get all your questions answered and to make sure that MEIS is the right fit for you. When scheduling an audition, make sure to also register to attend an Open House:
We also provide individual on-campus tours of campus and our music spaces for applicants and families. With at least two weeks notice, we are available for tours on most weekdays. Please reach out to us at to schedule a music tour.
Questions - If you have any questions about this information listed above, please contact us at ot 303-315-7487.
Applying to the CU Denver Visual Arts Department is easy! A portfolio is not required to start in any of our Visual Arts Department Programs. Applicants just need to apply and be admitted to CU Denver to start in our programs.
The 3D Graphics & Animation, Digital Design, and Illustration majors require a portfolio submission after the completion of pre-portfolio courses. The portfolio submission happens after the first or second semester at CU Denver depending on the program. Passing a portfolio is required for students to advance to upper level program courses in these programs. That vast majority of students pass the portfolio because the pre-portfolio courses prepare students to pass. Visit the specific program pages and click on the curriculum map links to see details about the typical class schedule and when the portfolio submission happens.
Transfer students who will have completed many of the pre-portfolio course listed for the major prior to starting at CU Denver should inquire about submitting a portfolio prior to starting at CU Denver. Passing a portfolio prior to starting would reduce the number of semesters that a student would need to complete at CU Denver to graduate. Please contact us at for information about portfolio requirements and deadlines.
The Art History, Art Practices, and Photography majors don't require a portfolio at all.
Learn more about the application process and our program by attending a CAM Virtual Info Session or on-campus Visual Arts Department Tour or Preview Day. See prospective student visit options here.
The CU Denver College of Arts & Media offers two graduate Master of Science programs:
If you have any questions about the application process for any of the College of Arts & Media majors, please contact our Assistant Dean for Enrollment Management and Student Success, David Walter, at 303-315-7487 or
CU Denver
Arts Building
1150 10th Street
Suite 177
Denver, CO 80204