CAMunity Music Leadership Program

A Free & Unique Learning Opportunity For Local Musicians

Deadline to apply:
11:59 p.m. MST, August 28, 2021.

CAMunity Music Leadership

Tentative Session Topics


September 18

1.Recording, Production, Distribution


September 25

2. Live Music, Concerts, and Promotion


October 2

3. Management


October 9

4. Music Marketing and Branding 


October 16

5. Legal Aspects of the Music Business 


October 23

6. Publishing and Licensing of Music 





The CAMunity Music Leadership Program is a free six-week professional development for Denver area musicians, funded by the CU Denver Presidential Initiative on Urban and Place-based Research. The program promotes the further growth and development of our local music economy through education and leadership development.  

The CAMunity Music Leadership Program is a research project led by College of Arts & Media (CAM) associate professor Storm Gloor and eight CU Denver students from the Music & Entertainment Industry Studies, Film & Television, and Management departments. Students develop the curriculum and host all learning sessions, which will cover essential business concepts and current issues within the music industry.

Sessions will also focus on career planning, advocacy, activism, social justice issues, music community building, and more. Participants will be introduced to local music organizations and key stakeholders within the Denver and Colorado music economies. They will also be provided with information helpful to advancing their artistic careers, and given opportunities to cultivate their professional networks.  

The research component of the CAMunity Music Leadership Program will explore the potential for further iterations, the viability of the model for application in other communities and arts disciplines, the effectiveness of the curriculum design, and assess the achievement of desired outcomes for participating musicians. Students developing and leading the program will also gain a unique experiential education opportunity in service to their community beyond the classroom. 

For any questions regarding the program, research study, application process, or organizational involvement, please contact Associate Professor Storm Gloor at or 417-499-3375.
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