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  • VA BFA 22 promo image

    CU Denver Visual Arts BFA Exhibition at RedLine Contemporary Art Center

    Apr 20, 2022 by CAM Communications
    The University of Colorado Denver is pleased to present the "Visual Arts BFA Exhibition 2022". This exhibition features artwork, design and 3D animation from the graduating class of 2022 and is open at RedLine Contemporary Art Center April 30–May 14.
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  • storm-gloor-resizede9b6f8e4302864d9a5bfff0a001ce385

    How Tik Tok and social media are influencing the music industryOpens in a new window

    Apr 8, 2022
    (Wisconsin Public Radio)––Did you know Tik Tok gave a recent Grammy winner their start? Storm Gloor, music business professor at CU Denver, weighs about the influence social media is having on the music industry.
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  • Anthony Wilson

    Get to Know Anthony Wilson

    Apr 4, 2022 by Megan Briggs
    As CAM's Finance & Operations Manager, Anthony Wilson is frequently the first point of contact for faculty members looking to provide a scholarship opportunity or finance a special project. Although he doesn't create art himself, Anthony delights in being able to smooth the way for students and faculty members "changing the world" through their art.
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  • Art Attack: Where to Find ArtOpens in a new window

    Mar 31, 2022
    (Westword)––A collaboration by students of Bryan Leister’s CU Denver College of Arts & Media students with designer Norbeto Mojardin, who created a couture gown as a tribute to powerful women, and artist/curator Lilian Lara, whose work using upcycled materials plays up the underdog character of Chicano art, Malintzin doesn’t hedge at calling its subject a hero. Malintzin: Unraveled and Rewoven, the third iteration and interpretation of the Malinche story broached by the Denver Art Museum and the Museo de las Americas takes yet another approach in framing the historic but misunderstood character in her rightful place as a bridge between cultures at odds
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  • Nikki Swarn

    Get to know women behind Denver’s music industryOpens in a new window

    Mar 30, 2022
    (CPR)––Nikki Swarn and Anna Frick, both lecturers in the Music & Entertainment Industry Studies (MEIS) department, are featured in this article highlighting the women involved in Denver's music scene.
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  • Showing 156 - 160 of 298 results

College of Arts & Media

CU Denver

Arts Building

1150 10th Street

Suite 177

Denver, CO 80204


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