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  • Introducing Lucinda Bliss: CAM's New Dean

    Dec 13, 2023
    Dean Bliss will play a key role in championing CAM’s vision in the coming years building on the outstanding talents and efforts of its faculty, staff, and students—to grow the college’s impact on the artistic and geographic communities we serve.
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  • “In A World of Circles and Squares”

    Nov 22, 2023
    Denver sculptor and CAM faculty member Michael Brohman is currently exhibiting sculptural works at the Hall Gallery in the Windgate Visual Arts Center at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi from November 6-December 1, 2023. The artist will give a talk on his work on Thursday, November 30 at 6 pm at the Wingate Gallery.
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  • The Emmanuel Gallery Is Swallowed by Giant Inflatable Artwork by Ángel Ricardo Ricardo Ríos

    Nov 20, 2023
    On display through February 24, 2024, Ángel Ricardo Ricardo Ríos’ Ikebana is an organic fusion of pumpkins and gourds writhing together, as the artist describes, in an “accumulation of sensual and organic forms.” Artist Ángel Ricardo Ricardo Ríos’ Ikebana is taking up the better part of the gallery’s lower level—even stretching up and flowing over the glass sides of the gallery’s second-level balcony.
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  • Happenings at the Emmanuel GalleryOpens in a new window

    Nov 15, 2023
    (The Sentry) The Emmanuel Art Gallery is an excellent resource for students, artistic or not, and gallery coordinator Andrew Palamara discusses opportunities for student participation, the gallery's function, and his own experience with art and art galleries.
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  • CU Denver’s Guide to 3D Graphics and Animation JobsOpens in a new window

    Nov 13, 2023
    (CU Denver News) If you dream of bringing characters to life, creating breathtaking visual effects, or designing immersive virtual worlds, there’s a pathway to combine your interests with animation jobs. CU Denver’s 3D Graphics & Animation program is nurturing the next generation of visionaries in the field. Are you ready to turn your passion into a career?
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  • Showing 36 - 40 of 287 results

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College of Arts & Media

CU Denver

Arts Building

1150 10th Street

Suite 177

Denver, CO 80204


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