Jeffrey Schrader specializes in the history of art from early modern Europe and the Spanish-speaking world. His research interests include the origin and development of miraculous images, the role of royal patronage in shaping the arts in early modern Europe, and the contacts among Spain and colonial Latin America. More recently, he has spoken on the fortunes of sacred art during iconoclastic outbreaks in modern Spain, especially during the Civil War of 1936-1939.
In 2013-2017, he was co-editor of the annual Visual Arts issue of the Hispanic Research Journal, published by Queen Mary University of London.
Through his recent work as General Secretary of the American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies, Schrader has also sought to promote the study of the arts of Spain, Portugal, and the Iberian world.
He teaches courses on a range of subjects, including the Renaissance in the Italian Peninsula and Northern Europe, the Baroque and Rococo periods, and the United States. He offers an annual seminar on the history of tattooing.
Areas of Expertise
History of art (Renaissance; Baroque; Rococo; American Art; Tattooing)
Education, Licensure & Certifications
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
PhD; Art History
Oberlin College
MA; Art History
Stanford University
BA; Art History
University of Colorado Denver Faculty Assembly Award. 2024.
Excellence in Service Award for Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty in the College of Arts & Media. 2024.
Excellence in Teaching Award for Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty in the College of Arts & Media. 2022.
FINE 2600 001 Art History Survey I
FINE 2610 001 Art History Survey II
FINE 4620/5620 001 American Art
FINE 4700/5700 001 Italian Renaissance Art
FINE 4705/5705 001 Northern Renaissance Art
FINE 4710/5710 001 Baroque and Rococo Art
FINE 4981/5981 History of Tattoos and Body Art
Publications and Presentations
“Cristoforo de Predis at the Sforza Court.” The Burlington Magazine 167, no. 1464 (March 2025): 206–11.
Navarrete «el Mudo» y el legado de Plinio el Viejo y Quinto Pedio en San Lorenzo de El Escorial.” Translated by Juan Santana. Boletín del Museo del Prado 39, no. 59 (2023): 12-19.
“Painting and Sculpture.” In A Companion to the Spanish Renaissance, edited by Hilaire Kallendorf, 407-49. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2019.
“Statue Paintings: The Wayfaring Marian Images of Spain in Bolivia.” In The Art of Painting in Colonial Bolivia/El arte de la pintura en Bolivia colonial, edited by Suzanne L. Stratton-Pruitt, 232-52. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph's University Press, 2017.
“The Royal Image and Modern Spanish Iconoclasm.” In XXXVI Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte. Los estatutos de la imagen, creación-manifestación-percepción, edited by Linda Báez Rubí and Emilie Carreón Blaine, 293-310. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2014.
"La influencia del Greco en la pintura norteamericana del siglo XX,” translated by Fernando Villaverde. In El Greco y la pintura moderna, edited by Javier Barón, 241-75. Madrid: Museo Nacional del Prado, 2014.
“The House of Austria as a Source of Miraculous Images in Latin America.” In Art in Spain and the Hispanic World: Essays in Honor of Jonathan Brown, edited by Sarah Schroth, 379-93. London: Paul Holberton Publishing, 2010.
La Virgen de Atocha: Los Austrias y las imágenes milagrosas. Translated by Teresa Sans and Fabián Chueca. Madrid: Área de las Artes del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, 2006.