City Heights is home to the CAM Residential Creative Community (RCC), a special residential experience for College of Arts & Media (CAM) students to live in a supportive environment of artists, filmmakers, musicians, and scholars.
Building with sign that reads City Heights
City Heights is home to the CAM Residential Creative Community (RCC), a special residential space for College of Arts & Media (CAM) students to live in a supportive environment of artists, filmmakers, musicians, and scholars.

CAM RCC members have distinct academic and co-curricular experiences to connect with the arts and creative industries. The CAM RCC communal spaces are designed and equipped to foster making, creativity, and collaboration amongst peers and classmates. Students may opt-in to participate in the RCC.

Learn More About the CAM RCC

The Residential Creative Community is a way for CAM freshmen to connect with other CAM students, faculty, and staff on campus. Any CAM freshmen who will be staying at the City Heights Residence Hall can opt-in to being a part of the CAM RCC. Here what students in the RCC receive:

  • A CAM RCC roommate - Students who join the RCC by May 31, 2024 will be placed in a room at City Heights with another CAM RCC student.  
  • A monthly RCC Community Dinner. CAM faculty and staff will attend the meetings and community dinners to present about their areas and the college.
  • Socializing and networking with other RCC students.
  • A CAM faculty mentor.
  • Access to a CAM music room at City Heights.
  • A monthly CAM RCC newsletter highlighting arts events on and near campus.
  • The opportunity to participate in an UNIV 1110 class for first semester CAM students. This class prepares students for college success. 
  • RCC members will have the opportunity to be a part of the RCC Leadership Group; these students serve as the voice for all RCC students.

How to Apply to the CAM RCC for Fall 2024

Incoming CAM freshman for Fall 2024 should first accept their CU Denver admission in their application portal. They can then apply to CU Denver Housing. We will then send an email out to all incoming Fall 2024 CAM students with a City Heights housing contract on file sometime in May 2024 inviting them to be in the CAM RCC. Students can also fill out the CAM RCC application form here.

Any student who has a City Heights Housing contract for the 2024-25 academic year and completes the CAM RCC application will be admitted to the RCC. Be sure to check your email regularly for information from CU Denver Housing & Dining Services and the College of Arts & Media.

The First-Year Experience

First-Year Experience (FYE) courses are designed to ease students transition to university life and guide them into this world of social, academic, and professional possibilities. Members of CAM RCC are strongly encouraged to register for one of the CAM UNIV 1110 classesThe CAM UNIV 1100 courses are tailored to the unique experience of art, film, and music students. The CAM-UNIV is a required, one-credit course for all RCC members. This is a tuition free first semester course!

RCC Faculty Mentors

Each CAM RCC student will be matched with a College of Arts & Media Faculty Mentor! Here are some of our recent RCC Faculty Mentors.

cecilia wu headshot

Jiayue Cecilia Wu

Assistant Professor MSRA Graduate Program Director
  • Music and Entertainment Studies (CAM)

Jiayue Cecilia Wu, Ph.D. is a scholar, composer, audio engineer, technologist, and vocalist. Her work focuses on how music technology can augment the healing power of music. She earned her BS in Design and Engineering in 2000. She then worked as a professional musician, publisher, and producer at EMI Records and Universal Music Group for 10 years. In 2013, she obtained her MA in Music, Science, and Technology from Stanford University. In 2018, she obtained her Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from UC Santa Barbara.

Her first book, Sound from Within: Phenomenology and Practice, was published by Springer Nature Press in 2021. In 2022, she received the privileged "CMS Instructional Technology Initiative Award" from the College Music Society. In 2023, she received the NAMM-GenNext Faculty Award. She has published 21 peer-reviewed, lead-or sole-authored research publications and three book chapters at the most prestigious journals in audio engineering and computer music, a male-dominated field where only 3% are women.

She has composed and produced 100+ pieces of award-winning music and interactive audiovisual installations that have been officially selected by R1 peer-reviewed research venues, museums, and international music/film festivals. Wu is the chairperson of the DEI Committee at Audio Engineering Society (AES). She is the Editor-in-Chief of The Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the U.S. and the board director-at-large at the International Computer Music Association.

Areas of Expertise

Electronic Music
Sound Design
Music Technology
Network Audio
Sound Arts
Sonic Meditation

Education, Licensure & Certifications

University of California Santa Barbara 
Ph.D.; Media Arts and Technology 

Stanford University 
MA; Music Science & Technology 

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
BS; Design and Engineering 

Technology Management Graduate Certificate


2023 “NAMMGenNext” Faculty Grant Award, NAMM Foundation
2022. CMS Instructional Technology Initiative Grant Award, College Music Society
2021 Mandala (2018), Permanent Collection, Denver Art Museum’s Asian Art exhibition
2019, 2020 New Faculty Grant Awards, Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru)
2018 Sackler Graduate Research Award, National Academy of Sciences
2015 Young Alumni Arts Award, Stanford Arts Institute, Stanford University
2014, 2015 AES Graduate Student Research Grant Award, Audio Engineering Society 2014 Excellent Graduate Scholar Award, The Arts in Society Research Network
2013 California Legislature Certificate of Recognition, California State Assembly
2011-2013 Friends of Music Scholarship, Stanford Friends of Music Foundation

Embodied Sonic Meditation Composition Series: Heart Sutra (2021) Composer, vocalist, electronics, percussionist, field recording, mixing engineer, music producer: Wu, J.C.
Recording and co-mixing engineer, electronics and Kyma: Scott. L. Miller
Flutist, vocalist, electronics: Jane Rigler
Celletto: Chris Chafe
Visuals: Z.M. Rebecca Nie

This piece has been presented at prestigious and peer-reviewed international art venues: 2022 DAVAMOT Audiovisual Symposium, Official Selection
2022 47th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Concert Program
2022 CMS/ATMI (College Music Society), National Conference, Concert Program
2022 New York City Electronic Music Festival (NYCEMF), Official Selection
2022 Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), National Conference
2022 7th International Computer Art Congress (CAC.7), Audiovisual Installation
2022 Berlin International Art Film Festival, Official Selection
2022 Toronto International Women Film Festival, Official Selection
2022 Colorado Dragon Film Festival, Official Selection
2022 Earth Day Art Model Online Music Festival, Official Selection
2021 World Premiere, Sankofa Concert at Memorial Church, Stanford University

Duo Pandemics (2020), Featured in Quantum Elders Consciousness Vaccine Co-composer, vocalist, and electronics: Wu, J.C.
Composer, saxophones, synthesizer, and curator: Karlton Hester
Pipa: Yunxiang Gao
Visuals: Z.M. Rebecca Nie

This piece has been presented at prestigious and peer-reviewed international/national art venues:
2021 Berlin International Art Film Festival, Official selection
2021 New York Independent Cinema Awards, Official Selection
2021 Colorado Dragon Film Festival, Official Selection
2021 World Listening Day Project 2021, Official Selection
2021 Santa Cruz New Music Festival, Official Selection
2021 University of California Audiovisual Frontiers, Online Exhibition

For Tashi (2019)
Composer, vocalist, electronics, percussionist, field recording, mixing engineer, music producer: Wu, J.C.
Konghou performance: Lucina Yue
Visuals: Rebecca Ruige Xu

This piece has been presented at prestigious and peer-reviewed international art venues:
2023 Anima Cinefest Film Festival, Official Selection
2022 International of Computer Music Association ICMA Asia Showcase Concert Series
2022 Painting in Motions Concert Series, Reynolds Recital Hall, Montana State University
2021 The Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival, Official Selection
2021 London International Animation Festival, Official Selection
2021 17th Asian Women’s Film Festival, Official Selection
2021 WRPN Women’s International Film Festival, Original Score Award
2021 Festival RNAB, Official Selection
2021 Huntington Beach Cultural Cinema Showcase, Best Experimental/Web/New Media Award
2021 Puntoy Raya Festival, Moviment d’Alliberament Digital Award
2020 New York Animation Film Festival (NYAFA), Finalist Award
2020 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), Official Selection
2020 Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), Concert Program
2020 Colorado Dragon Film Festival, Official Selection
2020 The 3rd Chinese Women Artists Video Art Festival, Official Selection
2020 FESTIVAL ANGAELICA, Official Selection
2019 Invited Premiere, Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) Annual National Conference

Embodied Sonic Meditation Series: Resonance of the Heart (2018)
Human-Computer Interaction audio system design and implementation, composer, performer, interactive installation art realization: Wu, J.C.
Computer Graphics Implementation: Ren, Donghao

This piece has been presented at prestigious and peer-reviewed international/national art venues:
2019 National Museum of China, a month-long exhibition of the audiovisual art installation, curated by the 5th Art and Science International Exhibition and Symposium
2019 A solo performance, The Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
2019 An audiovisual interactive installation, Linux Audio Conference, Stanford University
2019 An audiovisual interactive installation, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, NIME
2019 An audiovisual interactive installation, Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), National Conference, Berklee College of Music
2019 A trio performance “Synergy with Embodied Sonic Meditation” at iStage, the 6th International Conference on Movement and Computing, Arizona State University
2018 IEEE Gallery Opening solo performance, the IEEE Visualization Conference, Berlin
2018 An audiovisual interactive installation, Premiere, California NanoSystems Institute

Embodied Sonic Meditation Series: Mandala (2018)
Human-Computer Interaction audiovisual system design and implementation, composer, performer, interactive installation art realization: Wu, J.C. T

his piece has been presented at prestigious and/or peer-reviewed international/national art venues:
2023 Performance Media Festival,Indiana University, South Bend Museum of Art
2021 Permanent Collection of Asian Art, Denver Art Museum
2019 Invited Asian Premiere, Beijing Music-Acoustica Electronic Music Festival
2018 World Premiere, Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), National Concert
2018 Featured concert piece at CyberSounds Network Concert, Temple University, Boyer College of Music and Dance
2018 Featured concert piece at California Electronic Music Exchange Concerts (CEMEC)



The RCC CAM Staff

cecilia wu headshot

Jiayue Cecilia Wu

Assistant Professor MSRA Graduate Program Director
  • Music and Entertainment Studies (CAM)

Jiayue Cecilia Wu, Ph.D. is a scholar, composer, audio engineer, technologist, and vocalist. Her work focuses on how music technology can augment the healing power of music. She earned her BS in Design and Engineering in 2000. She then worked as a professional musician, publisher, and producer at EMI Records and Universal Music Group for 10 years. In 2013, she obtained her MA in Music, Science, and Technology from Stanford University. In 2018, she obtained her Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from UC Santa Barbara.

Her first book, Sound from Within: Phenomenology and Practice, was published by Springer Nature Press in 2021. In 2022, she received the privileged "CMS Instructional Technology Initiative Award" from the College Music Society. In 2023, she received the NAMM-GenNext Faculty Award. She has published 21 peer-reviewed, lead-or sole-authored research publications and three book chapters at the most prestigious journals in audio engineering and computer music, a male-dominated field where only 3% are women.

She has composed and produced 100+ pieces of award-winning music and interactive audiovisual installations that have been officially selected by R1 peer-reviewed research venues, museums, and international music/film festivals. Wu is the chairperson of the DEI Committee at Audio Engineering Society (AES). She is the Editor-in-Chief of The Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the U.S. and the board director-at-large at the International Computer Music Association.

Areas of Expertise

Electronic Music
Sound Design
Music Technology
Network Audio
Sound Arts
Sonic Meditation

Education, Licensure & Certifications

University of California Santa Barbara 
Ph.D.; Media Arts and Technology 

Stanford University 
MA; Music Science & Technology 

Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
BS; Design and Engineering 

Technology Management Graduate Certificate


2023 “NAMMGenNext” Faculty Grant Award, NAMM Foundation
2022. CMS Instructional Technology Initiative Grant Award, College Music Society
2021 Mandala (2018), Permanent Collection, Denver Art Museum’s Asian Art exhibition
2019, 2020 New Faculty Grant Awards, Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru)
2018 Sackler Graduate Research Award, National Academy of Sciences
2015 Young Alumni Arts Award, Stanford Arts Institute, Stanford University
2014, 2015 AES Graduate Student Research Grant Award, Audio Engineering Society 2014 Excellent Graduate Scholar Award, The Arts in Society Research Network
2013 California Legislature Certificate of Recognition, California State Assembly
2011-2013 Friends of Music Scholarship, Stanford Friends of Music Foundation

Embodied Sonic Meditation Composition Series: Heart Sutra (2021) Composer, vocalist, electronics, percussionist, field recording, mixing engineer, music producer: Wu, J.C.
Recording and co-mixing engineer, electronics and Kyma: Scott. L. Miller
Flutist, vocalist, electronics: Jane Rigler
Celletto: Chris Chafe
Visuals: Z.M. Rebecca Nie

This piece has been presented at prestigious and peer-reviewed international art venues: 2022 DAVAMOT Audiovisual Symposium, Official Selection
2022 47th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Concert Program
2022 CMS/ATMI (College Music Society), National Conference, Concert Program
2022 New York City Electronic Music Festival (NYCEMF), Official Selection
2022 Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), National Conference
2022 7th International Computer Art Congress (CAC.7), Audiovisual Installation
2022 Berlin International Art Film Festival, Official Selection
2022 Toronto International Women Film Festival, Official Selection
2022 Colorado Dragon Film Festival, Official Selection
2022 Earth Day Art Model Online Music Festival, Official Selection
2021 World Premiere, Sankofa Concert at Memorial Church, Stanford University

Duo Pandemics (2020), Featured in Quantum Elders Consciousness Vaccine Co-composer, vocalist, and electronics: Wu, J.C.
Composer, saxophones, synthesizer, and curator: Karlton Hester
Pipa: Yunxiang Gao
Visuals: Z.M. Rebecca Nie

This piece has been presented at prestigious and peer-reviewed international/national art venues:
2021 Berlin International Art Film Festival, Official selection
2021 New York Independent Cinema Awards, Official Selection
2021 Colorado Dragon Film Festival, Official Selection
2021 World Listening Day Project 2021, Official Selection
2021 Santa Cruz New Music Festival, Official Selection
2021 University of California Audiovisual Frontiers, Online Exhibition

For Tashi (2019)
Composer, vocalist, electronics, percussionist, field recording, mixing engineer, music producer: Wu, J.C.
Konghou performance: Lucina Yue
Visuals: Rebecca Ruige Xu

This piece has been presented at prestigious and peer-reviewed international art venues:
2023 Anima Cinefest Film Festival, Official Selection
2022 International of Computer Music Association ICMA Asia Showcase Concert Series
2022 Painting in Motions Concert Series, Reynolds Recital Hall, Montana State University
2021 The Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival, Official Selection
2021 London International Animation Festival, Official Selection
2021 17th Asian Women’s Film Festival, Official Selection
2021 WRPN Women’s International Film Festival, Original Score Award
2021 Festival RNAB, Official Selection
2021 Huntington Beach Cultural Cinema Showcase, Best Experimental/Web/New Media Award
2021 Puntoy Raya Festival, Moviment d’Alliberament Digital Award
2020 New York Animation Film Festival (NYAFA), Finalist Award
2020 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF), Official Selection
2020 Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), Concert Program
2020 Colorado Dragon Film Festival, Official Selection
2020 The 3rd Chinese Women Artists Video Art Festival, Official Selection
2020 FESTIVAL ANGAELICA, Official Selection
2019 Invited Premiere, Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) Annual National Conference

Embodied Sonic Meditation Series: Resonance of the Heart (2018)
Human-Computer Interaction audio system design and implementation, composer, performer, interactive installation art realization: Wu, J.C.
Computer Graphics Implementation: Ren, Donghao

This piece has been presented at prestigious and peer-reviewed international/national art venues:
2019 National Museum of China, a month-long exhibition of the audiovisual art installation, curated by the 5th Art and Science International Exhibition and Symposium
2019 A solo performance, The Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
2019 An audiovisual interactive installation, Linux Audio Conference, Stanford University
2019 An audiovisual interactive installation, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, NIME
2019 An audiovisual interactive installation, Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), National Conference, Berklee College of Music
2019 A trio performance “Synergy with Embodied Sonic Meditation” at iStage, the 6th International Conference on Movement and Computing, Arizona State University
2018 IEEE Gallery Opening solo performance, the IEEE Visualization Conference, Berlin
2018 An audiovisual interactive installation, Premiere, California NanoSystems Institute

Embodied Sonic Meditation Series: Mandala (2018)
Human-Computer Interaction audiovisual system design and implementation, composer, performer, interactive installation art realization: Wu, J.C. T

his piece has been presented at prestigious and/or peer-reviewed international/national art venues:
2023 Performance Media Festival,Indiana University, South Bend Museum of Art
2021 Permanent Collection of Asian Art, Denver Art Museum
2019 Invited Asian Premiere, Beijing Music-Acoustica Electronic Music Festival
2018 World Premiere, Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), National Concert
2018 Featured concert piece at CyberSounds Network Concert, Temple University, Boyer College of Music and Dance
2018 Featured concert piece at California Electronic Music Exchange Concerts (CEMEC)



College of Arts & Media

CU Denver

Arts Building

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Suite 177

Denver, CO 80204


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