CAM at Home

CAM is a community of incredible students, educators, leaders, alumni, and creators who contribute to a world made better through creativity, art, design, and technology. This is true no matter the circumstances. Our students and faculty have inspired many as we quickly transitioned our campus community to online platforms. One thing is certain: CAM continues to thrive virtually and in spirit!



Have you heard about Make4Covid? 3D Graphics & Animation faculty Howard Cook joins a home workforce of Colorado makers, engineers, designers, and artists by turning on his home 3D printer and making the plastic components to medical face shields. He's enlisting students and faculty, and showing that everyone has something to contribute. Read more about the campus wide effort in CU Denver News.


Recording Arts
instructor, Cory Cullinan had some time at home with his family this week. He got creative (like CAM faculty are known to do) and did some "stay-at-home" recording with fam.



Hollywood pros Jason Roberts & Korey Pollard, known for work on projects such as Jurassic World, Empire, American Crime Story, and Nashville, "zoom" into a Film & Television Senior Thesis class. Eric Jewett, Film & Television faculty and a Hollywood vet, doesn't let a stay-at-home order keep him from providing industry connections and networking opportunities to his students.

CU Denver and Music & Entertainment Industry students, faculty, and alums are tearing up the the airwaves. Rock out (or chill out) to this CAM playlist to get through the work (from home) day!



CAM quickly and efficiently transitioned on-campus courses to online platforms in a matter of days. Recording Arts professor Sam McGuire provides a great example of how a class normally conducted in our recording core can reach students at home.



Follow @CUDenverCAM on Instagram to join our CAM community, experience student take-overs, and maybe even catch a pop-up IG Live concert by Alana (from CAM band @sisterneopolitan).


Senior filmmakers Andi and Nicole virtually share updates on their short film, Orbit. Orbit, a collaborative project between Film & Television and Music & Entertainment Industry Studies students is a recipient of the Dean's Student Innovation Award. Follow the production and the crew on Instagram: @orbitmovie.


So much talent radiating from the MEIS community of musicians! Alum Payden Widner '15 enlisted current and former students to create a very special cover of  “Helplessness Blues” by Fleet Foxes– bringing the MEIS community together from afar. 


Stephen Schaff hosted a "Virtual Pajama Party" with his Digital Design class! Stephen is also the faculty leader of CAM Creative, so if you need to hire a student-run, full-service creative agency–look no further!



Need some virtual CAMpanionship? Hop on the Facebook group  and watch student and alumni music performances each Friday! ALL CAM students are welcome!


In unprecedented times, Digital Animation Center (DAC) staff rises to the challenge. Chris Lemon '13, DAC Lab Manager, implemented solutions allowing students to remotely access the high-powered machines in the lab along with the various industry software needed to complete their extremely specialized creative work.


MEIS student Bharat Bhargava makes tunes and beats at home. Follow his Instagram handle: @the_unofficial_bharat


Awarded $5,000 from the Dean's Student Innovation Award, senior filmmakers Jaime and Reilly are staying connected with CAM staff to share their progress on the short film Highly Functioning. Take a peak behind the scenes on their Instagram account: @highlyfunctioningfilm.


Guitar Performance professor Paul Musso plays for the people from his living room. Thanks for the treat, Paul!


Listen to the playlist that is getting 
Music & Entertainment Industry Studies students through the day. It's a mix of their favorite artists and their classmates bands, too!

Illustration and Digital Design faculty Travis Vermilye uses his series of meditative 360 views of Scotland to make make self-isolation just a little easier. He took these while traveling in the Scottish Highlands and the Isle of Skye.


Todd Reid, Percussion and Electronic Digital Instrument Performance faculty, teaches us a few fun sweeping brush motions.

How are you engaging and creating at home?

CAM faculty, students, and alums: we know you never stop learning, teaching, and thinking. Share the videos, photos, and stories of your community, process, and work. Use this form to share with us or tag #CAMatHome and tag @CUDenverCAM  to share your posts.



College of Arts & Media

CU Denver

Arts Building

1150 10th Street

Suite 177

Denver, CO 80204


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