An Education on New Film & Television Faculty Member Edward Tyndall
CAM Communications | The College of Arts & Media Oct 10, 2019
Name: Edward Tyndall
Hometown: Durham, NC
Department: Film and Television
Tell us a little about yourself – where you came from and why you came to CU Denver
I’m originally from North Carolina but spent the last ten years at Texas A&M – Corpus Christi, a Hispanic Serving Institution in South Texas. I was motivated to accept that position by the challenge of developing a new film program that would provide underserved Hispanic students in South Texas the ability to cultivate their voices through the medium of film. During my time at Texas A&M – Corpus Christi I served in a key leadership role building a film program from the ground up designed to help students succeed that are impacted by the complex economic, political and cultural environment of the US/Mexico border region.
I was drawn to CU Denver for many reasons. I'm incredibly excited by the opportunities for creative synthesis and interdisciplinary collaboration offered at the university. I'm naturally inclined to seek out connections between disparate areas of academic institutions and believe the best chances for creative and intellectual success are fostered by the collision of divergent concepts and diverse ideas.
What drew you to education?
The ability to continue evolving as a filmmaker and to help students develop their unique voices is what drew me to higher education. It’s a unique environment that is rewarding in so many diverse ways. As faculty, we have the privilege to truly live creatively, and to help others engage in the creative synthesis that prepares them for lifelong learning and ongoing intellectual and creative inquiry.
What’s your favorite thing to do when you aren’t teaching?
When I’m not teaching, I’m writing or working on films. I also love spending time with my wife Kim and daughter Charlotte. We love hiking in the mountains and exploring the city. Denver has proven to be a great place for us, and we’re so excited to be here.
Who is your favorite filmmaker?
That’s tough. So many people contribute to films that it’s hard for me to think about it that way. I can give some of my favorite films though! "Apocalypse Now," "Tender Mercies," "Harlan County USA," "Fast Cheap and Out of Control," and "8 ½."
If you could give one piece of advice to students hoping to work in the creative field, what would it be?
Filmmaking exists at a unique confluence of art and commerce. Explore broadly the possible areas of specialization while in your undergrad program and focus in the area you’re most passionate about. As artists, we all want creative fulfillment AND financial security. Take advantage of all the resources available in CAM that allow you to broker your degree and talents into your first job upon graduation but remember that your first job is just part of a larger arc of creative and professional development. Never discount the importance of the relationships you build in your cohort, and the opportunities they might provide in the future.
Is there anything students should know before they sign up for your classes?
Screenwriting is a rich and fulfilling creative pursuit. It’s deeply personal. I believe that it helps in the execution of rich and dramatic storytelling, both narrative and documentary, but I also view the screenplay itself as a fully realized form of creative expression. Come to my class with an open mind and ready to start writing!! We’re going to have a good time.